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The Ryan Foundation donates to Exodus Inc.

The Ryan Foundation donated $15,000 to Exodus Inc. of Fort Wayne Indiana in June 2021.

Exodus Inc operates the Exodus 90 program, which is a ninety-day spiritual exercise for men based on three pillars: prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. The organization educates young men that all three of these pillars are essential aspects of the Christian life.

The entirety of the $15,000 Donation will be used to support Exodus in its mission to reach hundreds of thousands of men—the next generation of Catholic husbands, fathers, priests— who have taken on the important task of learning how to become true men for God and for others.

Funds will be utilized to build out capacity of their product, content, and teams so that they may take steps toward their three-year goal of positively impacting 250,000 men.

For more information about Exodus, please visit their website.