1 min read

The Ryan Foundation Continues Support of University of Missouri

The Ryan Foundation recently renewed its pledge of $882,000 to fund the “Wayne Ryan Fellowship” starting in May of 2023 through 2025.

Dr. Ryan maintained a connection with the University, periodically donating as well as visiting his mentor. He received his PhD from the University.

The donation is in line with the mission of the Ryan Foundation as it supports education as well as research in Biochemistry/Molecular biology. It also supports Dr. Ryan's belief that an important career path was in the sciences and that those who loved science should be able to see a career in the field and it could be a career that encompassed laboratory work, entrepreneurship, think tanks etc. The University of MO has several programs for Graduate Students that expose them to the many possibilities for a career in science.

For more information about The University of Missouri please visit their website.